21 November 2007

That's what you get, buddy!

Don't mess with the grammar sheriff!

(from explosm.net)

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More fun than...

Savage Chickens Monkeys cartoon

The Savage Chickens artist (Doug Savage) must be a language geek, too.

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20 November 2007

Book Sites 2 - Brian Dettmer's Book Autopsies (Art)

These are incredible: Brian Dettmer's amazing book autopsies.

Brian Dettmer Book Art

I found them here (Well, really I found them there via Boing Boing.)

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Book Sites 1 - Judged by the Cover

Let's face it, we all do it. Go officially judge a book by its cover at coverboom.

After all, aren't we all sick of the standard covers? What are all those silhouttes doing out there anyway? ;)

Here's one of my favs:

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14 November 2007

"About face!" & the meaning of Rhetorissa

Well, as the title of this posting implies, I'm doing an "about face" on this blog. I can't think of any reason to keep this going as a personal blog. My hubby & I will start writing a personal blog together soon.

When I started this blog, I thought up the name Rhetorissa. This is due to the fact that I live a life in words (i.e., rhetoric) in many ways. As much as I appreciate visual and musical arts, my life is truly defined in words. I edit & proofread for a living. I am highly literal, in that if you say something vague, I truly won't get it... I can't connect the dots, make the leap, whatever, because there may be more than one meaning and I have to be absolutely sure of the meaning. I'm not highly literal with poetry, though -- I love the infinite shades of meaning that might be present in a poem, and I try in my poems to ensure that more than one meaning exists.

Perhaps most importantly, I think of myself as a writer. I am trying to finish my many-begun short stories and am in the middle of writing a sci-fi novel (O noes!), which is actually really hard!

So, in an effort to focus myself more on writing & to make this blog have more content, I now re-focus on words. This will be a somewhat loose focus, as in anything even remotely having to do with the art of rhetoric might be posted here (like the funny below!). Nonetheless, I think it'll do me some good to think about writing more, and hopefully this blog may actually develop into something worthwhile!

Savage Chickens Jabberwocky cartoon
