Ruminations re: family/friends

Looking through a bunch of pictures today, I experienced a number of emotions I commonly feel in regard to my family & friends. Though I seem to feel these every time I encounter them, I never really investigate the feelings. So... for myself, I'm going to. I'll blog about one person every week or so... starting, of course, with my husband.
The picture to the right is how I often see him. He is a trail warrior, called that by me because I've seen him "attack the hill" so many times, so intensely. I am usually a mile or so behind, huffing & puffing. This, mind you, is whether we are hiking or biking. His cardio equals Superman's.
Superman. I joke that he is Superman all the time, prompted by this adorable pic of him about 5 years old in his costume. The family tale of that pic has it that they had to buy about 5 of those costumes before Halloween that year, because he kept wearing them out. You can tell... you can really tell that he BELIEVES he is Superman. The look in his eye means business. He has committed.
This trait in him still manifests itself. This makes him intense, a bit crazy, and a lot bossy (my own bossiness exceeded only by his and my mother's...) Sometimes these things get old. But he is also sweet, smart, and fun.
My favorite thing about my husband, though, is his commitment to right action. This is a Buddhist term, but we didn't know it when we decided we have to live that way. Though he travels a lot on business, though he hangs out with some guys who are all into their machismo, I know I can trust him. Always. That's not something everyone has... I'm starting to think it is, in fact, the rarest of traits. I've watched my poor mother go through divorce after divorce, and all I can think is how lucky I am to have found this one first.